Meet the Team

Our Coaches

Addie De Nittis,


Addie has extensive knowledge and experience in the fitness industry, working as a Personal Trainer since 2015.  Married for 20 years, and Mum to 3 boys, Addie was motivated to became a coach and get  into fitness after  working with a personal trainer.  She has experienced first hand how making health and fitness a priority can transform your life, going from be super unhealthy, overweight and very depressed to becoming the fittest and strongest she had ever been.

Building upon the great community spirit that had been fostered in the past at Crossfit Craigieburn, Addie brings her passion, energy and desire to continue to grow the Rhino family and support everyone achieve to be the healthiest, strongest version of their selves, while having a good time and lots of laughs along the way.

Fun Fact:  
Addie used to be a dairy farmer and milk cows, drive tractors before moving to Melbourne and helping grow  the family safety business.

Mahmoud Alzard


Mahmoud has been part of the Rhino family for the last 4 years and brings a wealth of experience competing in and coaching CrossFit.

Passionate about helping others to see what they can achieve he will quietly encourage you to achieve things you didn’t think you could do.

Strong in body and mind, Mahmoud loves his Olympic WeightLifting and when not coaches or jumping over boxes, or hanging from the rigs can be found on the  platforms working on his lifting technique.

Meyo Pou-Haereiti


Meyo, is one of the original members  of CrossFit Craigieburn joining 6 years ago and she loves the Rhino community and being around like minded people.  Recently meyo moved over to the Coaching team to share her wealth of experience with us all.

Her favourite part about being a coach is the ability to help change  a members life and helping them reach their goals, while having a laugh while getting fit and strong in the process.

She believes that CrossFit makes her a happier person and in return that allows her to be a better mum, partner and friend.

Fun Fact:  Meyo is scared of heights. So she set about conquering this fear and walked the Sydney Harbour bridge this year!  Just a reminder to do what you fear and fear disappears